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ブランド: Joico
Styling Zero Heat Air Dry Styling Creme (For Thick Hair)
アスリート、特にスイマー向けシャンプー よくヘビースタイルする髪と硬水で洗われる髪に最適 ブロンドの髪を緑に変える塩素を除去します 硬水によるスタイリング製品の蓄積とミネラル残留物を除去します 髪に潤いとコンディショニングを与えます 使用方法:濡れた髪に塗り、泡立てます。 よくすすぎます。 必要に応じて繰り返します
水泳をされる方にお勧めのシャンプー。 塩素やスタイリング剤の蓄積、硬水によるミネラルをきれいに落とし、しっとりと整えます。
ヘアカラーを守るおだやかなシャンプー。マルチスペクトラムディフェンスコンプレックスで美しいヘアカラーを持続します。 うるおいを与え、ラズベリー、ストロベリー、ブラックベリーの香りとともにしなやかで健康的なまとまりのよい髪に導きます。
Formulated with Arginine, Monoi Oil & Tamanu Oil Protects hair from the damage of thermal stylers, chemicals, UV exposure, humidity & dryness Instantly adds shine & manageability Doubles hair’s strength, deeply hydrates hair & fights frizz
アルコールフリーで速乾性のあるスタイリングジェルです。 パンテノール(ビタミンB5) が髪に潤いとコシ、ツヤを与えます。 カールやスタイルを程よくサ・ ート。 Bio-Advanced Peptide ComplexTMが健康な髪のDNAを修復します。 髪のダメージを修復・予防します。 紫外線保護剤配合で髪を環境によるストレスから守ります。 ご使用法:少量を手に取り濡れた髪にまんべんなくなじませます。
Combines the unique glide & slip of an airy crème with the molding & shaping power of a gelée Uses Smart Release Technology to continuously release healthy-hair ingredients Helps repair, strengthen & protect hair from the cumulative effects of daily...
A daily, powerful leave-in perfecting hairspray Dual-phase formula creates a lotion-like dose of nourishment with every shake of the bottle Powered by Quadrabond Peptide Complex to heal hair damage Contains Argan, Manketti & Evening Primrose Oils to provide moisture, strength,...
An advanced, high-performance hair protector Uses Smart Release Technology to continuously release healthy-hair ingredients Helps repair, strengthen & protect hair from the cumulative effects of daily styling Contains Moringa Seed Oil, a rich source of anti-oxidants, Vitamins A & E,...
ブロンドの髪の栄養補充とツヤ強化シャンプー 硫酸塩フリーフォーミュラで、髪を優しくクレンジングします マイナスイオン界面活性剤分子配合で汚れやアブラを除去します ブラストーンを排除しながら、髪の最適なpHレベルに戻します ポリネシアとタヒチのタマヌとマノイ油配合 髪を潤い、縮れ毛を抑え、ツヤを与えます 髪を柔らかく、鮮やかにし、滑らかで健康に見えます 漂白、二重加工、またはハイライトされたブロンドの髪に最適
A color-preserving, reconstructing shampoo Helps gently cleanse hair & prevents color loss Formulated with advanced QuadraBond Peptide Complex TM Helps restore & shield hair's natural B-layer Leaves hair lustrous & elastic with brilliant, long-lasting color
A moisturizing conditioner for fine or medium, dry hair Lightweight, ultra-creamy formula does not weigh down hair Uses Smart Release Technology to continuously release healthy-hair ingredients Helps repair, strengthen & protect hair from the cumulative effects of daily styling Contains...
A high-powered, repairing shampoo for damaged hair Creates rich lather to gently cleanse without stripping hair Harnesses Smartrelease Technology, an one-of-a-kind liposome delivery system that continuously releases ingredients Helps repair, strengthen & protect hair from the damaging effects of daily...
A high-powered, repairing conditioner for damaged hair Harnesses Smartrelease Technology, an one-of-a-kind liposome delivery system that continuously releases ingredients Helps repair, strengthen & protect hair from the damaging effects of daily styling Formulated with Keratin, a protective protein found naturally...
A time-saving, polishing styling crème for thick hair Contains Rosehip Oil, rich in anti-oxidants, vitamins & Omega acids to hydrate hair & add shine Infused with multi-functional polymers to give flexible hold & define natural texture Provides long-lasting styling retention...
Contains Manketti Nut Oil, packed with Vitamins E & A & linoleic acid Helps lock in moisture & provides strength, softness & shine Blended with Safflower Seed Oil, a rich source of Vitamin E, anti-oxidants & essential fatty acids Helps...
A transformative & revitalizing hair treatment Instantly repairs damage from heat styling, chemical services & environmental exposure Contains Bio-Advanced Peptide Complex that creates a virtual “molecular bandage” on hair's surface Protects hair against damage & dehydration Blended with Jojoba Oil...
カラートリート髪のリペア&シャインブーストトリートメント 栄養たっぷりのマンケッティオイルとアルガンオイル配合 髪の外側の保護層を修復し、シールして、色の鮮やかさを保ちます シルク、大豆、海藻エキス配合でスタイリングのダメージを防ぎます 髪に瞬時にツヤを与えます 髪を柔らかく、滑らかに、整理しやすく、触りやすく、鮮やかな色にします 使用方法:予備のシャンプートリートメントとして乾いた髪に塗り、リペアと保護をさらに強化します。 または、清潔で湿った髪に塗り、その後、通常通りすすぎ、乾燥やスタイルします
A volumizing & nourishing shampoo for fine, limp hair Creates a rich lather to gently yet thoroughly remove oil & dirt without weighing down hair Uses Smart Release Technology to continuously release healthy-hair ingredients Helps repair, strengthen & protect hair...
A volumizing & detangling conditioner for fine, limp hair Uses Smart Release Technology to continuously release healthy-hair ingredients Helps repair, strengthen & protect hair from the cumulative effects of daily styling Formulated with Rice Protein, rich in amino acids to...
A lightweight replenishing hydrator for fine or medium, dry hair Uses Smart Release Technology to continuously release healthy-hair ingredients Helps repair, strengthen & protect hair from the cumulative effects of daily styling Contains Coconut Water, a natural hydrator rich in...
A moisturizing conditioner for fine or medium, dry hair Creates luxurious lather to thoroughly cleanse away residue without stripping hair of its natural moisture Uses Smart Release Technology to continuously release healthy-hair ingredients Helps repair, strengthen & protect hair from...
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